TEJER: hacer o formar un tejido cruzando y uniendo unos hilos con otros
CALADO: vinculado a jaula, que deja pasar la luz(bovenlicht)
las raíces nos remontan al pasado (antepasados)
las plantas echan raíces como extensiones que substraen alimentos para su mantenimiento
LINEA: <<una linea es un punto dando un paseo>> Paul Klee
COSTURA: la costura muestra como el material original es cortado y ensamblado.
PRINCIPIO Y FINAL: algunas formas son perfectas sin tener un principio o un final, por ejemplo, la esfera.
Me hace pensar en una carta, comienza con: <<Estimado Sr>> y termina con <<Atentamente>>. Mi obra comienza por un nudo marinero (supervivencia) y termina con el fruto de una historia proyectada.
connected meanings
tie on: survival element (mariner and mountaineering knots)
weave: make or shape a tissue crossing or joining different threads with others
draft: connected with cage, let through light
roots: the roots take us back to our past (ancestors)
the plants grow roots like extentions which subtract food for there maintenance
line: -a line is a point going for a walk- Paul Klee
sewing: the sewing is a proof of how original material is cutted and joined
beginning and end: some forms are perfect without having a beginning or a end, for example, the sphere.
It makes me think of a letter, it starts with "dear sir" and ends with "sincerly".
My work starts with a mariner knot (survival) and ends with the birth of a projected story.
My work starts with a mariner knot (survival) and ends with the birth of a projected story.